Which Spanish shoe brand has the biggest market share globally? The answer is not Carmina or Meermin, but Magnanni. Magnanni never intents to plow in niche market and defines itself a fashion house. It sells in many grand department stores around the world. Although it is a fashion brand, it differentiates itself with quality. Lasts
Tag: Magnanni
A somehow unconventional Spanish brand, it is not unconventional in fashion industry as it chooses the way most Italian brands do. The models are so unique and eye-catching which set Magnanni apart from most classic dress shoe brand. Post Views: 3,422
现在大家谈论西班牙的皮鞋品牌,第一名的,绝对是Carmina,相比于英国品牌更高的性价比,还有全欧洲玩马臀皮玩的最溜的鞋厂。第二名的,恐怕要数Meermin,最主要就是价格杀手,同时品质居然还不差。基本上没有人说这个牌子的坏话,就算是遇到了产品有瑕疵,还是会原谅它。然后,虽然有Norman Vilalta这样的大牛在,但毕竟小众。而到了Ramon Cuberta这样的,就更加偏门了。 Post Views: 3,294