我不是从许多西方人家里不装空调这个事得出结论的。因为这个事情一方面是环保理念,另外一方面房屋墙壁较厚,一定程度冬暖夏凉效果,我是从穿衣服来说。 而首当其冲的,就是Safari夹克。 Post Views: 1,159
Tag: Summer
As many people know, I am an extremely boring person, and the favorite shoe is the black cap toe Oxford. If it weren’t for rotation and wearing all the shoes I have, I could wear black cap toe Oxford every day. Today, someone mentioned that you can’t wear black cap toe Oxford every day in
春夏面料来做无里衬的西服,其实在空调房里穿穿,还是挺合适的,但是要到户外还穿着,那真的要很硬核的玩家了,我是做不到。又从面料商那里学来一点适合春夏的面料,现学现卖。 Post Views: 1,561