开箱Church’s Lancaster

意外淘到了一双非常让人神往的鞋子。Church’s这个品牌,在皮鞋爱好者的圈子里,非常两极分化。一部分人说这个鞋子是垃圾皮开边珠/亮皮/bookbinder/polished leather之王,经典男鞋里的败类,澡堂级品牌。另一部分人说,这是永远的梦,穿了30年,还爱得死去活来。 为什么会有这样的差别呢?主要就是皮革的选择,或者很多人归因于Prada的收购,让产品品质下降。而那些爱得死去活来的,都是高端、顶级掠食者,在我们还在玩泥巴的时候,就玩过大量顶级皮鞋的人。 那么今天这双为什么好呢,好就好在它没有使用垃圾皮,而Church’s一旦不使用开边珠,它的皮革确实都是顶级的。另一点则是好在它完全回到历史中去了。 Post Views: 203

Unboxing Seamless Side Laced Leopold from Maftei

An extremely artful pair of shoes, which can only be found in bespoke shoemaking. For this model, I think all the packaging is not important anymore, let us check the shoes directly. Leopold I, (born June 9, 1640, Vienna—died May 5, 1705, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor during whose lengthy reign (1658–1705) Austria emerged from a series of struggles with

Unboxing Oatmeal Suede Butterfly Loafer New from Carlos Santos

I’ve always been quite critical of Carlos Santos’ best-selling Elliot around the world because, well, it’s so featureless. Although the lack of features is precisely why it sells the best, as most people don’t want the shoes to be special, plain is good. But I always feel that the object of leather shoes, as a

Unboxing Butterfly Loafer Hawthorne from J.FitzPatrick

J.FitzPatrick is the best designed middle range shoe brand in the market, and it has two signature features, one is clashing colours and textures on a pair of shoes or boots, the other is to bring the antique models back to modern age, such as button boots and Butterfly Loafer just like this model, Hawthorne.