Once again, the core competitiveness of Weritas is MTM and foot model customization. When I first saw the Weritas shoes, I actually saw a lot of Mattina. Of course, at that time, although Jimmy (QIU Wuping), the founder, was indeed an industry veteran, his core competitiveness had always been in lastmaking, and the workmanship of
Tag: Wiracetas
Wiracetas is a Shanghai based dress shoe brand that I only came into contact with last year. It operates a physical store for several years in Shanghai already, and the founder Qiu Wuping is a super veteran of the industry. More than ten years ago, in the era when it was easiest to make money
唯世这个品牌,应该没有多少人知道,在昨天以前,我也只在小红书上面看到过,当时强烈怀疑是买的推广。英文名就更加让人弹舌,Wiracetas,要么就是非常有文化的人搞出的拉丁语或者希腊文,要么就是不知所谓。 我看过鞋子,提不起兴趣。 Post Views: 1,032