Schott NYC公司从1913年开始制造摩托车服装,但直到1928年推出Perfecto这个品牌时,终极机车皮夹克才达到巅峰。 Post Views: 2,225
Author: FU Pei
Ring Jacket由福岛承一于1954年创立。 他原本是一名保险经济人,对当时在日本购买的成衣套装感到失望。因此,他决定自己开设工厂并雇用裁缝师制作更好的西装来解决问题。 Post Views: 3,581
This is a very strange brand, because its official website is German, and claims the headquarter is in Austria. But nothing more. Such a long name, and it looks not English at all. I searched information everywhere, finally I got it! It is a sub-brand of the Italian brand I introduced, Franceschetti. This brand focuses
A Spanish shoe factory established in 1913, the current owner is the founder’s grandson. It manufactures private labels for many famous brands including Lof & Tung, Sons and Henrey and J.FitzPatrick and many more. The factory released its own brand to the market just like Carlos Santos has done. Price is around 270 euro, good
Previously known as TGC shoemaker in China, Oct Tenth started its journey with Sons of Henrey last year. TGC has been producing private labels for many renowned boutiques worldwide since long time ago, and those shoes are always praised by wide audiences. I think I am not authorized to disclose their names. Last weekend, I
Maftei作为奥地利维也纳的定制皮鞋品牌,在本国,德国和瑞典,都是有相当名气的。这种名气大部分不是指知道的人多,而是很多人会真正地成为客户。 这双鞋是一位瑞典客户的。 Post Views: 1,704
护皮素好不好,除了看成分会不会出错外,自然是实践出真知。 回归本源,我们用护皮素的目的是什么?希望皮革健康。皮革健康是为了什么?好看算,但我觉得最根本的,是希望用的久。 Post Views: 1,856
MM_HMH是一个西装定制工作室的代称,专注男装来料加工。坐标上海虹口北外滩,预约制。主要客户群体是国内西装爱好者,偶尔也应客户之请做几件女装。 有幸对掌门人何美华进行了专访。 Post Views: 3,489
夏季轻薄,相对浅色的面料,对于皮鞋的搭配,提出了挑战。 本人是非常喜欢黑色牛津的,但是这个鞋款和这些不那么正式的西服搭配,就会非常有问题。 Post Views: 2,086
This pair of vintage shoes was bought on Ebay, and the brand has long been defunct. There is an article about this only Scottish shoe brand with its own factory, see Saxone. Post Views: 2,275