这是Sargent这个品牌的第三次甚至第四次倒闭了,所以,这次,应该真的完结了。 Alfred Sargent和他的两个儿子,Frank和Harry,于1899年在北安普顿创立了同名品牌。 Post Views: 173
Category: Culture
If Spanish shoemaking capital is Almansa, then Italy calls Marche. Post Views: 2,289
在曾经顶级客户圈子中,皮鞋领域有三个鞋匠是最为认可的,对于他们来说,鞋匠的名气不重要,因为他们本人都是社会的顶部人士,但是鞋子是否做得舒适,优雅,他们太有发言权了,一辈子都在使用最顶级的东西。 这个神圣铁三角是John Lobb,Gatto和Nikolaus Tuczek。 Post Views: 186
1,缝制鞋守陵人;2,可持续发展(不浪费) 守陵人,是取材我十多年前看过的小说,《我在新政当守陵人》,那是一本和盗墓有关的小说。我这里的借用,有些不同。 关于缝制鞋的未来,可能尚未有共识,在我聊的许多人中,大部分的观点都是不太看好。我曾经是相对中立的,但是现在,可能越来越“悲观”。说悲观,是指我认为它在走向消亡,只是这个过程的长短,而打上引号,则是我们应该以发展的眼光来看事物,历史的向前有其必然和偶然,我们应该接受和适应。所以不必有强烈的情绪(悲观)。 Post Views: 168
固特异工艺,很多人第一次听到,自然就会想到固特异轮胎。嘿,你别说,这个固特异缝制机器的发明人,确实就和固特异轮胎有关系。因为创立固特异轮胎公司的Charles Goodyear的儿子,Charles Goodyear Jr就是这个发明者。 然而,发明机器,和使用机器,不是一回事。 真正让这个机器广为使用,甚至成为一种工艺的代称的人,是法国人Joseph Fenestrier。 Post Views: 164
Clothes have a very important function of framing the male figure. Post Views: 1,737
Italian menswear is the epitome of suits, as far as dress shoes are concerned, Kiton has its own factory, Cesare Attolini doesn’t sell shoes, Zegna and Ferragamo jointly built a shoe factory, Canali uses Campanile 1858 for private label, who made Cornelioni shoes is not clear, and neither is Pal Zileri. Among them, the most
Before 1940, tallow was probably the most common oil for leather care. Post Views: 2,023
Classic men’s shoes are related to their historical origins in many aspects, and it is also very interesting to learn about their history. Post Views: 1,738
One of my core propaganda points is that things can be used for a long time if they are properly maintained. Based on this premise, I suggest that you buy high-quality things within your ability and then take good care of them. Post Views: 1,738