Brief History of Dean Girling

Any shoe enthusiast would recognize the name, as the brand bears his name inside, Gaziano & Girling. The two talented industry veterans founded the brand, Tony Gaziano takes care of design as well as promotion, Dean Girling covers the backstage, which is making and quality control. What is his journey in shoemaking? Post Views: 2,651


很早就知道这家以擦鞋为特色的咖啡店,和主理人,也就是老板,Don在南京见过面,在2021年China Trunk Show上也见过,甚至擦鞋大赛的亚军,也是这家店的擦鞋专业人士。诸多交集,知道上个月,才有幸来到这家国内独一无二的擦鞋咖啡店。 Post Views: 667

无标签化之虞 – 西装风格、元素与文化杂谈

标签化的思维在我们日常生活中可以说是常见的思维模式,甚至可以说是大部分人的心理惯性。然而当我们将社会生活的模块细分开,用严谨审慎的逻辑分析方法去研究某一个模块时,随着研究的深入,不难发现自己将愈来愈无法很简单地、很标签式地去描述其中的某一样事物— —绅装领域也不例外。 Post Views: 1,086