很多人以前对高端商品的网购,都是持怀疑态度的,但是这个趋势如洪流一样的压碎一切阻力,目前还能坚持完全不进行网络销售的品牌少之又少,比如Alden。 在经典男鞋领域,最近才妥协的,就是Crockett & Jones。 一起来看看各个品牌的官网给人的感受。 Post Views: 2,701
Category: Dress Shoes
Arguable the best classic menswear boutique in Norway, if not the whole Nordic region. Besides the super high end brands it carries, private label is also present. This kind of practice is not uncommon, the boutique tracks the best seller and find production line to copy the design to boost its own profitability. But there
这是不管是行业内的人,还是一些比较懂行的爱好者,都聊过的方面,就是作一个定制鞋匠,真的很苦。 不了解的人可能觉得奇怪,一双鞋那么贵,还说他们日子过得很苦?开玩笑吧。 Post Views: 2,522
Ibex is a very new and unacquainted brand, beyond that, it comes from a country not so known for its shoemaking, Pakistan. It is always good to know somewhere in the world, same affection toward shoes and traditional shoemaking exists. Let us listen to the founder of Ibex, Abdul Ahad, how his journey unfolded. Post
这个标题党了哈,也是调侃自己,因为我举办了Trunk Show嘛,那么国产缝制鞋,就是有了自己的舞台,可以让更多人来关注了。 去年有发国产皮鞋值得买,还是很多人认同的,这篇文章,可以算续集。同时,也是介绍一下本次来参展的国产品牌。 Post Views: 1,672
其实这个内容应该放在他的专访下面,但是又怕我自己的输出太多,喧宾夺主。 Kostas和我有特别多相似的地方,但是出言比我更加尖锐。正因为他的直言,也让我有不少的思索。 Post Views: 1,655
It is quite interesting so many French brands are related to the industry veteran, Marcos Fernandez Cabezas. The original selling point of this brand is unknown now, and the current focus is just like other French brands, patina. Post Views: 1,431
The man behind menswear blog MisiuAcademy and shoe webshop TheNobleShoe, Kostas Mandilaris is my very close friend and I think we share a lot in common. He was an environmental engineer while I am a material engineer, he runs a blog and webshop, just as the same as me. It is very glad to talk
In shoe aficionados’ eyes, John Lobb or Edward Green may be the best English shoes, but in American’s eyes, or for most outsider of this circle, Church’s is the best. The reasons are different, for American, Church’s is the first one they can see in the US as early as 1920s. And for fashion consumers,