Very rarely seen new brand from Australia. The background story is very boring, a man loves shoes and wanted to make shoes himself, then met a shoe designer and secure a shoe factory to make own shoes. Post Views: 1,633
Category: Dress Shoes
A very strong brand comes from Sweden. The concept is very close to its domestic peers, Myrqvist and Skolyx, offering the best value dress shoes, direct to customer, made in Spain with good leather. Post Views: 2,263
也是读者告诉我的相对便宜的固特异品牌。和我前面介绍过的卡乐福类似。非常感谢读者,没有你们,我的榜单一定很残缺。 Post Views: 2,361
公司的中文名叫做金华芮宸皮革制品。总体来说,是位于安徽的一个鞋厂,一直以来都是做外贸的,目前才想开拓国内市场。这是其中的高端品牌。 Post Views: 2,621
Although it is not in the mouth of shoe lovers, this Spanish brand does have the longest history in this country, when Pujas family dominates shoemaking in Spain, Lottusse takes another path to target broader customers by sellling in big department stores all over the world. Post Views: 2,605
Which brand is the best German welted shoes? No question at all, Heinrich Dinkelacker. Super high hand work just like Hungarian shoemakers, Vass and Rozsnyai. Norwegese construction and double leather sole and made in Hungary. Post Views: 3,638
TGC的老板,肯定最近订单多到爆,或者要忙打开国外市场的事情,国内有点顾不过来。我就越俎代庖的提点建议,写在这里,也是让同好们看看合适不。有意见尽管提,我绝对转达。 Post Views: 2,185
这家没有商标,然后在淘宝上还搞了个什么潮流聚集地什么之类的,不懂,也无所谓。 以后任何国内品牌,总结款式是,先把特种皮丢掉,除非是普通款做的很到位了,我才会看他们的特种皮。 Post Views: 2,220
Can you tell which country this brand belongs to from the name? The answer is Indonesia. The factory was founded by a Dutchmen. Post Views: 2,145
1969年就成立的西班牙鞋厂,在Almansa,非常的正统。可是走入了时尚领域。本来吧,走进时尚领域也没问题,只要自己够实力,包括审美和营销。 Post Views: 1,963