1865年,Elisabeth New小姐和Samuel Lingwood先生成立了这家New & Lingwood公司。然后,他们俩结婚了。 从开始起,这家公司就提供高档的产品,和非凡的服务。 Post Views: 2,711
Category: Classic Menswear
蒸汽熨斗可以除皱,很多人都说这个比传统的铁熨斗很好。但是这个东西是不是真的更好,还有争论。 很多定制裁缝对蒸汽熨斗并不感冒,我们也可以看到那些老店里,都还是最古老的铁熨斗。 因为对于高品质的服装,比如全麻衬的西服,它的形状,是通过大量精心的手工熨烫而成。 Post Views: 2,298
Dunn&Co是曾经英国知名的男装零售商。 Dunn&Co由George Arthur Dunn于1887年创立,他最初是在伯明翰的街头卖帽子。 Post Views: 3,121
The founder of Gustavia used to work in Altan Bottier, where everyone loves patina. The Gustavia pushes this obsession to the extreme, all models are presented in white crust leather, and clients appoint the patina colour. Post Views: 1,491
The name sounds religious, maybe it is just a common word in Indoneisa. The construction is handwelted, and style is workboots with strong military feeling. Price is around 350 USD. Check its models. Post Views: 2,120
A shoe brand from Indonesia established in 2011. Most leather used is local, but some premium from Horween. Blake Rapid construction, shoes price at 230 USD, boots 250 USD. Check its line up. Post Views: 1,461
In classic menswear community, when you say the word Windsor, the first thought must be Duke of Windsor, the previous Prince of Wales. And this brand is not disappointing and English. Shoes are either welted or cemented, but all made in India. Post Views: 1,951
I don’t think many people can guess out the origin country of this brand, and the answer is Japan. Its parent company is Okuni Japan, a family business in leather products since 1907. Many physical stores around Japan, the main brands sold are Magnanni and Moreschi, recently TLB Mallorca was added. In 2007, the 100
我对日本的西服品牌了解并不多,上次在知乎上看到有人提到的青山洋服,类比于国内的海澜之家,因为我不懂,所以就信他说的。 但是在我眼里,海澜之家还是个很朴实的企业,虽然公司年会的豪华程度,和商品的档次似乎差别很大,但产品上,和品牌的运营上,没有什么骚操作。 日本人,就不一样了。 Post Views: 2,303
这个问题其实是我在卖Maftei的鞋子的事情想到的问题。鞋子平均超过了1万元,以各种定义来说,都算是很贵的鞋子了。 那么这个问题,我的答案是什么呢?买得起的人。 我知道这个答案很讨打,但是请听我说完。 Post Views: 2,653