因为我们许多玩家已经有太多太多太多的鞋子了,自然我们对鞋子的要求也会越来越高,有人可能对工艺要求高,有人对逼格(品牌知名度)要求高,有人对皮革稀有要求,我对合脚度要求高。 合脚度的解决方法,有两个。第一个是定制。第二个是尝试成鞋的各个品牌各个楦,还是有很大机率找到自己脚适合的。 合脚度,也有不同的等级。 Post Views: 347
Category: Classic Menswear
As a brand founded in 2006, Gaziano & Girling not only offers a very sharp blend of Italian and English style, but also incorporated bespoke elements into Ready To Wear, which is undoubtedly disruptive to shoemaking industry. Post Views: 3,604
普通人看西服,第一眼会看什么呢?肯定是颜色,其实就算是老饕,也不可能避免第一眼看颜色,这是本能。 那么对西服有一定认知的,就是懂行的,会看什么呢?是整体的比例与线条。举个例子,李渊的衣服,衣长就比较长,重心比较靠下,然后肩宽,腰围再到下摆的比例,都给人第一眼和谐,第二眼惊艳之感。 再下一个阶段,可能肩到胸这个地方,又成为了关注点。当然,这不等于说上面那个阶段不重要,而是好的裁缝,在上面是既实现了自己的审美取向,也完成了整体和谐。肩到胸的过渡,是裁剪以及手工最重要的地方。 今天文章的问题,是什么形状的肩膀好看。 最后的答案,会让人震惊,就是国内成衣品牌,例如雅戈尔或者其他品牌的这样最好看。 Post Views: 341
Formerly known as TGC in China, Oct Tenth has become the best value brands in the whole world, and value does not mean cheap, Oct Tenth just give bespoke level craftsmanship at the price of medium RTW European brands. TGC used to run at a MTO basis, so the models are countless however never iconic,
Oliver Tang (TANG Cheng) is not particularly famous in the circle of dress shoe enthusiasts, because he is very low-key and puts his heart and soul into the products. His experience in the industry is not particularly rich. He has only worked in two companies, but the products of these two companies can really represent
I have known for a long time that the owner of this coffee shop featuring shoeshine. I had the oppoturnity to have conversation with Don in Nanjing and at the China Trunk Show in 2021. Even the runner-up in the shoeshine competition is a shoeshine professional in this store. Until last month, I was lucky
The all recognized most expensive shoes in the world. Post Views: 3,595
You must think that this is a very detailed and comprehensive shopping guide, and the answer is no. Because my answer is particularly concise, lasted and cheap. Just two words. I think it’s very worthwhile if you find a shoe tree meeting both. Post Views: 977
After An Interview with JIANG Daoyuan was published, many readers asked, how good is this brand of shoes? I immediately got a pair and took a look with everyone. Let us go. Post Views: 3,062
Mattina is the hottest Goodyear welted shoes brand in China, in the circle of people who know shoes, this brand is the glory of domestic shoes. Post Views: 3,777