法国在时尚领域,可以说永远地站在顶端,脚踩意大利,屁股坐英国,定制鞋,同样拥有者全世界最高的价格,那些价格已经让人乍舌的百年历史的英国鞋店也得俯首称臣。 大部分鞋匠都选择在大品牌里面工作,比如Dimitri Gomez就在Crockett & Jones的巴黎店里任职,提供独一味二的Crockett & Jones bespoke业务。 Post Views: 1,058
Category: Classic Menswear
It is not precise to call this unboxing as I don’t even have a shoe box, however I definitely reviewed four new pairs of Enzo Bonafe. What happened? Keep reading Post Views: 2,618
Sinatra is one of the most popular models offered by Gaziano & Girling, but I read most apprecaite Sinatra for its iconic small square toe last TG73, not for its Wholecut pattern. This may be a compliment for Tony Gaziano’s unmatchable talent of making last. Let us check my pair. Post Views: 3,372
Gaziano & Girling is the most sought after welted shoe brand in the world. Oxford is not a category but its model name which is very unusual, but it tells that Gaziano & Girling thinks this is the real oxford shoes, the quintessential one. This pair has been worn for more than 6 years and
最近在重庆和一位非常隐秘的鞋匠有交流,他现在有非常稳定且有消费实力的客户,而且全部不是爱好者,所以我也无法为他做什么宣传,他也不想我做什么宣传,带来无聊的爱好者们。但是我们对这一行还是聊了一下。 Post Views: 865
我一直有一个希望,就是能够做一份中国的定制地图,每个城市都有至少一家店,让对衣服有追求的人在本地就可以有合适的服务。不同地域的整体实力有高低,比如上海店铺的密集程度,北京高端店铺的实力,都可能比其他城市遴选出来的选手高出几个水平,但我一直认为定制是一个当地的生意,是需要店家和客人的磨合。当然,假如我就喜欢某一个店的版型,而它在其他城市,这个另当别论。 Post Views: 774
Welted shoes are quite rare today and advertised as Royal consumed, aristocrats oriented, red carpet used and wealthy iconic, but fundamentally, it is better because it does endure longer than cemented shoes. Let us look at an example of my shoes, which seemed welted shoes but in fact cemented shoes. Post Views: 1,325
This is the pair I fell in love with J.FitzPatrick, and the reason I made friends and partners with Justin FitzPatrick, the founder. I unboxed this pair and this piece talks my experience and feeling of this pair of Sunnyside from J.FitzPatrick. Post Views: 1,740
Antonio Meccariello is the newly established Italian shoe brand which has great reputation in Asia, especially in Hong Kong and China Mainland. It is not so common that Italian brands have biggest customer base in Asia rather than US. Post Views: 3,347
There is one kind of content very sought after, the capsule wardrobe. Take suits as example, the extreme goes that only navy and grey suits are enough if you swap them to form four outfits. The combination is even more amazing if you have several shirts, such as white and light blue. The same question