Mr. Kaneko is a uprising bespoke shoemaker from Japan, and he lives in Fukuoka. His shoes are extremely elegant, well proportioned and full of inspirations. It is a great honor to talk with Mr. Kaneko. Post Views: 2,266
在前面一篇Maftei的开箱文里,就作为引子介绍了关于皮鞋品牌命名的一些常规做法。 归纳起来,就是款式按鞋面设计,而不按楦型来命名。 最好的例子,就是Edward Green的Dover,虽然三个楦型606,82和202都有,但Dover始终是Dover。 Post Views: 2,807
This pair is not my own shoes, but shared by a reader and he asked for a review of the quality of his pair. Sanders is also from the centre of shoemaking in the world, Northampton, UK. As a traditional shoemaker with heritage, Sanders is not widely discussed in dress shoe community but still leads
这是我目前在经典男装行业看到的现象。这个现象在各行各业,也是很普遍的。 举个例子,很多定制店的主理人都说,现在好多客人都搞到他们后端工厂或者作坊的联系方式,然后自己带料过去做。这让他们很头疼。 Post Views: 1,688
就像皮革是皮鞋这个产品中极其重要的部分一样,面料对于西服来说,是决定质感最开始和最后的堡垒。 可是市面上的面料千千万,就算是顶级品牌,也有几乎数不清的系列,当然很多人说,每种面料都有自己对应的场合,或者特质,可是不是钻研地极深的人,哪里全都如数家珍呢? 比如我这样的懒人,就直接问活料本,他力推哪三个。 Post Views: 1,928
Made in Japan, which brand is the first coming into Japanese minds? I am afraid Scotch Grain would be the one. Founded in 1964, produce shoes for American and English brands. You can think this is localization or license business. At 1978, own brand Scotch Grain was established. Post Views: 1,632
很多人对一个商品有兴趣后,会开始搜集信息,希望自己懂的更多,然后买到更合适的。这是什么值得买,知乎相关问题存在的意义。 我也经历过这个阶段,比如看孔哥的文章,去StyleForum上看大家对我感兴趣品牌的评价。 Post Views: 1,669
这是读者将他的鞋子发给我让我测评玩儿的。 玩儿全名玩累了的孩子,算是淘宝上缝制鞋的先驱,也是量走得还蛮厉害得一个品牌。在我的款式知多少系列中,玩儿是第一个去总结的国产品牌。 Post Views: 2,241
France is the undeniable mornach in fashion industry, although Italy offers more brands and choice at all levels. Speaking about classic shoes, France also represents top level not matter in bespoke or Ready To Wear. This list is according to price, not quality or value. Post Views: 2,308