My Shoe Collection, Elgar from Mattina

This pair has been profiled in the unboxing, model Elgar is the best seller from Mattina, and the most conservative cap toe oxford. The N last is a square round toe which ages great. Ages? Yes. The first sight seems too blunt, but it gets more and more appreciation. Post Views: 2,795


这双鞋子我下订有段时间了,居然说没有38码的,搞到现在才拿到。不准歧视小脚人士,不准歧视矮个子! Ravel这个款式是在5月份Mattina和Vibram的合作仪式上就推出的,主打的是Vibram的Gumlite超轻鞋底。奶白奶白的颜色,再搭配蓝色反绒皮,确实是夏日之选。 Post Views: 1,645