My Closet – Double Breasted Suit from Sartoria Dei Solari

Sartoria Dei Solari is the most eye-catching bespoke tailoring house in China. There are two reasons. First, Riccardo ZHANG (Renjie), the founder, returned from studying Italian art and was influenced by genuine Milan style in the studio of the master Yuki Inoue. Riccardo is regarded as the second person besides ZHANG Xiao (the best individual


因为我们许多玩家已经有太多太多太多的鞋子了,自然我们对鞋子的要求也会越来越高,有人可能对工艺要求高,有人对逼格(品牌知名度)要求高,有人对皮革稀有要求,我对合脚度要求高。 合脚度的解决方法,有两个。第一个是定制。第二个是尝试成鞋的各个品牌各个楦,还是有很大机率找到自己脚适合的。 合脚度,也有不同的等级。 Post Views: 352