标签化的思维在我们日常生活中可以说是常见的思维模式,甚至可以说是大部分人的心理惯性。然而当我们将社会生活的模块细分开,用严谨审慎的逻辑分析方法去研究某一个模块时,随着研究的深入,不难发现自己将愈来愈无法很简单地、很标签式地去描述其中的某一样事物— —绅装领域也不例外。 Post Views: 1,423
Tag: Bespoke Tailoring
Steven Hitchcock is regarded the best cutter in the UK by some most tasteful bespoke tailoring connoisseurs around the world. He had followed his father’s step working in Anderson & Sheppard for many years, then opened its own atelier to offer “refined drape” to his fans at 58 Chiltern street. Post Views: 1,612
这是一份榜单,目的是为了帮助爱好者们有指导性的消费。 我对衣服当然是没有发言权,所以这次我请了多位资深大拿们来担当评委。这些大拿都是纯消费者,并且神农尝百草,国内许多家都做过,即使是英国和意大利最顶尖的,也有相当数量的订单。他们对定制服装的理解,经验,都使得这个榜单有相当的公信力。总分为评委总分的平均数。 Post Views: 3,970
John Davis is the current owner of bespoke tailoring service Tobias Tailors who has been active on the row for more than 50 years. He is low-profile while well recognized by many his peers (bespoke tailors). It is great to talk with this great tailor. Post Views: 1,523
引雷文,来吧,有什么不爽,冲我来。 图的话,就只放上我比较熟的,否则又骂人家,又偷人家图,实在找打。 Post Views: 2,517