Solari,Drago 150s Flannel for Rubinacci,双排扣

Sartoria Dei Solari是2022年中国定制店里最引人注目的品牌,究其原因,是两点。一是主理人张人杰(Riccardo)从意大利学艺归来,在大师Yuki Inoue的工作室接受了纯正米兰风格的熏陶,算是国内除张潇以外的第二人。另一点是,他们走独立裁缝路线,虽然是三个年轻人一起,但所有工作都是自己完成,没有外包,没有找工坊和工厂。可以认为,你的钱,都给到了给你做东西的人手上。 然后,我很抱歉标题里面中间那段面料,全部写得英文。面料品牌是意大利Drago的,然后150支的法兰绒,是不是为Rubinacci家定织的,我不知道,但这是一个有钱人从Rubinacci家扫出来的,我匀了一份。 Post Views: 464

An Interview with Riccardo Zhang, Co-Founder of Sartoria Dei Solari

The name ZHANG Renjie may not be familiar to you, while the name Riccardo Zhang is actually very active on social media, such as Red. So, what is so special about him? He is the only one of two tailors who has overseas working experience rather than study experience in the field of bespoke suits