This is a wanton era, an era of logo fever, and an era when money must be dazzled. Every era has its own characteristics and social and historical roots, so it is impossible to refute it or to target it aimlessly. In the field of classic dress shoes, people also see the distinctive and outstanding
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I think there is one difference between material and spiritual things, that is, spiritual things may need aesthetic cultivation, while material things can basically be completed by senses. Post Views: 3,289
连连看,也称比较学,是我从历史学科中学来的方式。当然,各行各业,有个更朴实的名字,Benchmark。 前面已经做过很多,皮革折痕水准连连看,后跟接缝连连看,沿条处理连连看,今天,我们看一个配件,鞋袋。 市面上的皮鞋品牌没有几千,也有大几百,肯定不可能全部攘括,这篇文,就当个抛砖引玉吧。 这种比较学的利益是什么呢?非常简单,单一看一个鞋袋的时候,你不会有太强烈的感觉,哪个好哪个坏,但是放在一起,立刻就明显了。同时,好的质感和体验,未必需要更高的成本,这是不是就成为优势了呢? 话不多说,一起看看。 Post Views: 1,182
Comparative science is a form of scientific research. Brought to dress shoes, it can provide data and inspiration. For readers, there is also fun to be had, at least for me in the process of summarizing. Post Views: 907