My Shoe Collection – M104 from James Taylor & Son

James Taylor & Son is the bespoke shoemaker in England, however this pair is not bespoke but Goodyear welted in China. The history I have written about the founder ZHANG Dong and the interview with current owner of James Taylor & Son. In this article, we only focus on the shoes. The shoes are actually

An Interview with Steve Robinson, Owner of English Shoe Shop James Taylor & Son

James Taylor & Son is a bespoke shoe atelier in London, and one Chinese named Zhang Dong brought this brand to China and started its Ready to Wear collection prodcued in China. Sadly Zhang Dong passed away and this brand has a legal dispute between the UK holder and China business team. It is a


张栋可以说是中国缝制皮鞋界,和世界接轨的先行者和领军者,可惜英年早逝。我是在写了James Taylor & Son款式知多少后,通过读者的评论听到他的名字。很可惜,网上关于这位先行者的信息特别少,只有一篇腾讯的James Taylor & Son的广告文提到了他。另外张栋自己的公众号,有一些自己在英国学习和回国发展James Taylor & Son成鞋的信息。我将这些文章整理,发在我的博客上。 Post Views: 3,347