The owner is very enthusiastic about making shoes, and he is very energetic in thinking about the last. There are neither names nor numbers, so I have to roughly classify them. Post Views: 4,005
Tag: Jimjun
This is the homework assigned by one reader, and I think it is a little unfair, because the price of Jimjun is around 4000, while Mattina is around 2000. Once they were at the same price. Post Views: 2,243
Because I have thoroughly reviewed this shoes in Unboxing, this article focuses on comfort, leather and rience. Post Views: 2,725
Jimjun就是淘宝上的上海成承皮革厂,是我目前在国内最看好的三家之一。看好这家的原因,因为他对制鞋工艺,非常的痴迷。 这次买的,就是他升级了机器固特异以后的鞋子。 话不多说,进入开箱。 Post Views: 3,172