Model Archive – Fratelli Giacometti

Founded in 1959, and the current owner are the third generation of the family, Giacometti brothers. If you recognize or are familiar with shoe brands in Japan, Fratelli Giacometti is also well received as classic line. While Walles Club focuses on exotic leathers and Marmolada from the same company makes sporting boots. Post Views: 1,491

Model Archive – Lastra Signa

The Chinese is 青山闲居, the founder and master shoemaker, Mr. WANG Zhencheng showed his skills on this pair of Shell Cordovan Seamless Wholecut Oxfords. The shoes are almost fully handmade with handwelted and handstitched for 250 USD, and leathers are from great tanneries such as Ilcea Italy and Weinheimer Germany. Post Views: 1,778

高野圭太郎和Thom Wills的联名

申明:非软文,未收受任何形式的好处。 这其实是个款式知多少的系列文章之一,但是有不少的背景知识可以给大家说一下。 首先,Thom Wills我谈论得极少,可能到目前为止,就只有一篇总结它皮鞋款式的文章。当时给我的感觉是,鞋子设计是相对正统保守的,但是款式太多,求多不求精。工艺不差,最起码看起来是不差的,价格自然是这个品牌成为中国缝制鞋当之无愧的霸主的杀手锏,不再赘诉。最后呢,基本也算是半只脚从经典男鞋/男装领域跨入了时尚领域,比如一些明星的代言(这个代言可能要打个引号),更加是脱离了我覆盖的领域。 Post Views: 2,758