非常高兴,我是全世界互联网上第一个写这个皮鞋款式的人。 这可以算是皮鞋款式里最高端的存在,到今天为止,提供这个款式成鞋的,应该不超过5个品牌。 顾名思义,Side laced就是在侧面系鞋带。 我实在不明白,为什么会有人这么剑走偏锋。 Side laced是英国传奇定制鞋匠Foster & Son为演员Laurence Olivier在20世纪40年代设计的款式。很遗憾,Laurence穿着这个鞋款的照片并未保留下来,原版的鞋子,在互联网上也不见图片。 Post Views: 166
Tag: Norman Vilalta
Norman Vilalta is a famous bespoke shoemaker based in Barcelona. His career turn is truly amazing that he switched lane from a lawyer to a shoemaker at the age of 30! He went to Florence from Argentina where he was raised and studied under Stefano Bemer, where he befriended with Justin FitzPatrick. Later he settled
The most prestigious brand from Spain, Norman Vilalta. It is the highest end in Spain is quite obvious that Norman Vilalta is a world renowned bespoke shoemaker graduated from Stefano Bemer studio, as a result his Ready to Wear is great. Post Views: 3,739