非常高兴,我是全世界互联网上第一个写这个皮鞋款式的人。 这可以算是皮鞋款式里最高端的存在,到今天为止,提供这个款式成鞋的,应该不超过5个品牌。 顾名思义,Side laced就是在侧面系鞋带。 我实在不明白,为什么会有人这么剑走偏锋。 Side laced是英国传奇定制鞋匠Foster & Son为演员Laurence Olivier在20世纪40年代设计的款式。很遗憾,Laurence穿着这个鞋款的照片并未保留下来,原版的鞋子,在互联网上也不见图片。 Post Views: 123
Tag: Oxford
What I’m talking about here is not exaggeration, because if you like to wear “formal clothes”, it’s quoted because many formal clothes that we now think are things that were very casual. . . Then, matching shoes must be a must. Post Views: 2,002
Many people who like to do careful research before buying things and then start with a steady and accurate hand will ask when buying their first pair of dress shoes. I also searched this question, but that was after I had blindly bought a lot of shoes. I have never been a theorist, and everything
This is my first pair of Maftei, a special order with great upper pattern. What satisfies me so well is the leather quality and comfort. Post Views: 2,376
I haven’t mentioned Gulun many times, except that I once had a pair, and I had a good impression. But there is a discovery that is more unexpected to me, that is, in addition to high sales volume, Gulun has the best reputation among so many brands in China, or the least number of people
Mattina可以被认为是国产缝制鞋最具代表性的品牌,如果以销量论,应该是位列前茅的。 肯定会有人说Thom Wills和特吕弗的销量和知名度更高,可是从产品力来说,这两家和Mattina的差距,非常巨大。就像国内的定制店千千万,我谈的却只有那么少数几家。 我为什么我对Mattina特别的欣赏呢?除了鞋子在水准之上外,更重要的原因,就是在品牌建设上,一定是这个领域中最好的。 Post Views: 375
Septieme Largeur is a French mid range brand and its most talked feature is wood pegging at the waist. But hoenstly, that is not the real selling point of this brand, because its patina and wonderful value are. Post Views: 3,503
The shoe was developed by Swedish bloggers Kostas and Carlos Santos, and the latter took it to the 2021 China Trunk Show. After I looked at the shoes, I could only say that the customer group of Kostas was not at all the same as mine. Post Views: 2,532
When people talk about British shoes, in terms of the frequency, first of all, the three premium ones (John Lobb, Edward Green and Gaziano & Girling). Then it is Crockett & Jones. Bespoke shoemakers are also darlings to shoe enthusiasts, such as Foster & Son and George Cleverley. Post Views: 3,163
Maftei, a bespoke shoemaker in Vienna, Austria, has been open for almost half a century and has quite a few customers in Austria Germany and Nordic region. What really made it gain world fame was Shoegazing, Jesper Ingevaldsson commissioned its signature style, a seamless wholecut Oxford. Pink is an extremely rare colour in dress shoes,