有一个问题困扰了我很久,现在终于搞明白了! 为什么皮鞋的皮革上一定要有镀膜了?我们看皮革质量好坏的时候,就是两条,一个是折痕的细腻程度,另一个就是镀膜的明显程度。 皮革越细腻,镀膜越不明显,质感就更好。 折痕细腻,大家都完全明白决定因素,就是皮料本身的质量,和做鞋时选取的部位。但镀膜,影响因素是什么呢? Post Views: 74
Tag: Tanning
There are two words referring to animal skin, one is Hide, which refers to the skin of a larger animal (such as a cow or a horse), while skin refers to a smaller animal (such as a calf or a sheep). Post Views: 2,480
When people talk about leather manufacturing, they think most about tanning process, however there is another step that is extremely important, surface finish. Post Views: 4,034