How I Think of Bookbinder Leather and How to Care It

Bookbinder leather has the most numerous names among all leathers, take an example, some call it corrected surface leather. Bookbinder is corrected for sure, but corrected surface leather can be other leathers as well. I regard it the lowest leather. The advantage of bookbinder leather is the surface actually is a layer of plastic, nothing

How To Remove Water Stains on Shell Cordovan Leather

How to remove water stains on shell cordovan leather is the question very few meet and ask, but when it happens, apparently there is quite few place to seek solution. This article serves this purpose. Shell cordovan leather is expensive and very sought after which no matter any leather works made of. They are appreciated


从来不耽误别人时间,直接告诉你答案,没有。 是的,我也看过各种文章,各种修复,不管是现场的,还是视频的,说实话,都经受不住细致的检验。如果只是在视频里找角度拍给你看看 ,的确看起来修复如初了,但如果肉眼近距离观察,以及更严苛的,直接用手去触摸,弯折,立马就可以发现,不对了。 而且我下这个结论,还基于我自己看了这些视频以后的实践。 Post Views: 2,376