Classic men’s shoes are related to their historical origins in many aspects, and it is also very interesting to learn about their history. Post Views: 1,757
Tag: History
As a well-rooted shoe brand in London with a long history, it’s really embarrassing that its reputation is so dim. I can draw a conclusion that if you choose to go down, then your ending can be predicted when you take the first step. If you choose to go up, in the short term, your
In the leather shoes industry in recent 20 years, there are some famous Italian shoemakers. In my humble opinion, I think there are three, Stefano Bemer, Roberto Ugolini and Riccardo Bestetti. Although Silvano Lattanzi and Paolo Scafora are equally prominent as brands, they are not talked about as shoemakers alone. Two of these three masters
Until the 16th century, the town’s shoemaking industry consisted mainly of family workshops and individual cobblers, and the related industries only covered a very neighbouring area. Post Views: 2,473
On my blog, I have a series of articles which are called Model Archive, this series is unique in the world. Many may feel confused that if I want to know a certain model, I can find them on official website, right? Wrong! In the long history of these brands, so many models are buried
乐福是谁发明的?很多人不知道,一些以为自己知道的,可能会说Alden。但是Alden只是发明了流苏乐福,不是乐福。另外更加专业的,会回答Aurland,挪威品牌,嗯,说到这个,还是有点家伙的。 但是被公认的,主流乐福的发明人(品牌),就是来自英国的Wildsmith。一定很多人没听过。没听过就对了,这不就是我科普的机会了吗? Post Views: 557
我到Ebay上意外淘到过一双没穿过的K Shoes,当时并不知道这个品牌,但是写着英国生产。英国生产的缝制皮鞋,又是Vintage,你知道不会差到哪里去的。实际上,皮革的表现简直可怕,鞋垫上还有英国女王的授权。 在拥有了这么牛的一双鞋以后,我就会想去了解这个品牌,为什么今天,几乎没有人知道K Shoes呢?我到StyleForum上发帖一问,结果不少英国网友都说知道,而且评价非常高。他们的好评主要集中在舒适性上。 Post Views: 1,320
这是一家已经消亡的英国皮鞋品牌。可能就和生物一样,消亡的比现存的多,在北安普顿区域曾经存在的鞋厂,今天还剩下的,几乎每一个大家都耳熟能详了,而一些存在过的,留下了一些鞋子,都让人惊叹或缅怀。 Post Views: 1,691
法兰绒这个面料,在国内知道的人,你说多,似乎不太多,你说少,也肯定不少,但是非经典男装爱好者和爱好者们听到法兰绒这个词,脑海里反应出来的东西是截然不同的。 Post Views: 3,051
一直觉得我是在文化产业里,而不是在零售产业。我的文章,希望给大家带来故事,趣味和与一些匠人的感同身受,一些品牌的理念共鸣,绝不是要大家买买买。 一个写经典男装的人,却又让人买买买,这本身就是矛盾的。因为经典男装就应该是买极少,然后永恒穿。当然,我也不能站在制高点说,购物这种心理满足行为是错误的,不道德的。 Austin Reed这个英国品牌,可能听过的人不是那么多,但是历史辉煌程度,却完全不逊色Savile Row上那些定制店。 一句话,Austin Reed就是英国的Brooks Brothers。虽然布克兄弟现在是妈不疼,爸不爱,但要说历史地位,无人可刚。 Post Views: 1,630