An Interview with Alexander Nurulaeff

I don’t remember whether it was Berluti that brought me into the world of patina, or Carlos Santos pushes this art to more novice shoe lovers, or “Hancore” offers the very impressive Star Sky patina, there is one patina artist active on many platforms inlcuding Instagram, Tumblr and Vimeo who is absolutely the highest level,


这个名字一出来,恐怕就会引来一顿争议。 在没拿到鞋子以前,他自己的公众号晒过,别人拿来问我是不是狗屎。从图里面看,皮革的确拉跨。楦型嘛,拉长的,意大利味道,我不喜欢。再多的,我也评价不了了。 上个月,小方说鞋子给我看下,我说好啊,因为除了别人给我看的那张图,我也实在没怎么见到鞋子的其他曝光,也是有些好奇的。 Post Views: 1,322

An Interview with Steve Robinson, Owner of English Shoe Shop James Taylor & Son

James Taylor & Son is a bespoke shoe atelier in London, and one Chinese named Zhang Dong brought this brand to China and started its Ready to Wear collection prodcued in China. Sadly Zhang Dong passed away and this brand has a legal dispute between the UK holder and China business team. It is a


不得不感叹美国在传媒业方面的发达。以绅装这个品类来说,美国不过是隔海模仿英国的小老弟,但当我们今天想要一睹历史上某个阶段的风采时,大多数时候能够找到的,都是美国的内容。我一直认为,对于某类产品来说,文化领域,是非常重要的,这不仅仅是市场营销,它本身也是大餐。 Post Views: 1,730

2021 Trunk Show制鞋大赛第七名欣赏

本次大赛的第七名,是赵准,是和我聊的特别多的一位鞋匠。他开始学做鞋才一年,这一年里,唯一练习的,就是鞋底制作。为了参加本次大赛,鞋面的工艺都是现学现卖的。 听起来很差价是吧,可是,给他时间,他一定会是中国炙手可热的鞋匠的,因为他对自己的规划和激情。 Post Views: 1,146