好久好久没有看天猫的皮鞋品牌了,最近就犯贱,来看看这个品牌。 Post Views: 1,800
Category: Dress Shoes
这双Bally是不懂鞋的时候买的,穿了很多年了,鞋面皮也裂了,鞋底也磨破了,最重要的,方平的鞋头,已经完全不符合现在的审美了,于是我想着,怎么能物尽其用了?不如把它拆了吧,这么来了这篇文章。 Post Views: 2,614
This most entry level shoe brand from France is known to me for a long time, I feel it sits at the same market field with Orban’s and Loding. Post Views: 2,169
A brand established by Eraldo Testatonda in Montegranaro of Marche in 1981 focuses on Blake Rapid construction. Not so well known outside Italy, and it came to my radar by accident when I check the Japanese shoe select shop Trading Post. Let us have a review of its designs. Post Views: 1,457
这是一家英国牛津的定制鞋店,当然在它的后期,也加入了成鞋的产品。从创立,就在牛津的Turl街6号。大多数英国的皮鞋定制店,都处于伦敦,这是个特例。 Post Views: 5,334
Loafer这个词的辞源,是意大利语,la dolce vita,而这个意大利语的来源,则是一个il dolce far niente,死板的翻译,“为了无所事事”。 Post Views: 2,132
I have an article introducing this then biggest shoe factory in Scotland, the second biggest in the UK, and present my one pair collection of a 90s vintage shoes actually made by Loake. To everyone’s surprise, this brand still exists today, however, so contrary to its name, it is own by an Italian company and
When you look at the brand name, which country do you guess it belongs to? England may be, Nordic countries are also possible, but sorry, it is Italian! Do you think it is a cheater? No, the company established in 1932. Post Views: 1,751
This is the first time we meet a dress shoe brand from Thailand. There are three collections: Classic, Masterpiece and Italian Goodyear. Classic charges 170 USD, Masterpiece is designed in Italy and made in Thailand for 240 USD. Italian collection uses Italian leathers. So we can confidently say the other two collections use local leather.
这又是一个小的特征,曾经,只在Bespoke鞋上能看到。现在,嘿嘿。我总说,只能你能讲清楚的,不是虚头八脑的东西,我们中国人都轻松给你,让大外爽到哭天抢地。 那么断根是什么呢? Post Views: 2,225