Winter is coming. Keeping warm in ancient China, cotton-padded jacket was the only option, because wool products were quite rare. But in the process of reform and opening up, when my generation grew up, there should not be many people saying that they don’t wear sweaters in winter. Post Views: 2,095
Category: Patterns
Clothes have a very important function of framing the male figure. Post Views: 1,754
In my opinion, Florentine tailoring style has only been accepted by Chinese classic menswear enthusiasts in the last year or two. Post Views: 1,241
Edward Sexton, his historical position, is more in the stage with Tommy Nutter. Tommy Nutter is more like a rebellious icon, while Edward Sexton has been on the production side, which is to realize some ideas of Tommy Nutter. Years later, Tommy Nutter has faded out of business, but Edward Sexton’s shop still stands. Post
Duffle Coat, is probably the most intimate coat of all. Being close to the people means that people will not consider wearing it being too exaggerated and artificial. Duffle coat came out of Belgium and was carried forward by the British Navy, and then it was brought into daily wear by Ivy style. What Americans
This is a wanton era, an era of logo fever, and an era when money must be dazzled. Every era has its own characteristics and social and historical roots, so it is impossible to refute it or to target it aimlessly. In the field of classic dress shoes, people also see the distinctive and outstanding
标签化的思维在我们日常生活中可以说是常见的思维模式,甚至可以说是大部分人的心理惯性。然而当我们将社会生活的模块细分开,用严谨审慎的逻辑分析方法去研究某一个模块时,随着研究的深入,不难发现自己将愈来愈无法很简单地、很标签式地去描述其中的某一样事物— —绅装领域也不例外。 Post Views: 1,547
每天和一位做衣服狂魔聊天,接受他的熏陶和鄙视,然后,对于大家似乎都分的非常分明的英式和意式,都分不清了。 这果然又是看山不是山的阶段了么? Post Views: 1,701
以前对版型这个词,我觉得有很明确的概念,但是现在跟着大神们学知识多了以后,反而对版型这个无比的迷惑了。比如说意大利的那么多家,每家的版型都一样还是都不一样,不一样在哪?然后英国名店的剪裁,的确有点差别,但差别似乎也不是那么大。 Post Views: 1,655
最近搬家,整理衣柜,然后发现在一个角落了,有一件三年都没挪过窝的衣服,一件范思哲的单西。 深紫色,天鹅绒,三扣。 Post Views: 1,605