I have been thinking of putting categories on the top of my blog for a while, it is pushed back for two reasons, one is technical that I need to hire someone to redesign the blog, the other is each series does not have enough entries. As a compromise, I put an Index here so to navigate readers for his interests.
Model Archive Series

This series serve two purposes, one is to collect all the models ever exist from certain brands, take an example, you may think Edward Green is quite conservative and only offers very limited models, it is wrong! Check out the article and you will see how many interesting models it had released. The other is I always use this series as aspiration pool.
Do search the brands you love or are interested and you will be amazed!
Master Interview Series

The gold content in my blog, here you can find the most prestigious bespoke shoemakers, tailors and brand heads from the renowned establishments from the world. They talk about the journey taking them here and now, what are their passions, and what they want to achieve, inspire and bring to this world.
I am very honoured that they share the time to tell us the wonderful stories.
Enthusiast Interview Series

The industry cannot live without the enthusiasts who support these craftsmen, artist and same passionate entrepreneurs. Not everyone is at the same level and some may just just jumped into this pit for one or two years, too short to develop a mature system, however, their thinking and paths also give values for whom thinks about to join this community. For those who has spent maybe ten thousands or even millions on clothes and shoes, they are more selective and taste is well built, we surely can learn from them.
My Shoe Collection Series

This series contains richer content than the former one for one thing some shoes are not present in Unboxing series as they were bought second handed, the other this is more like a review after wear. So in a sense it is more valuable.
Unboxing Series

Not my favorite contents, but I know a lot of people love to see unboxing, and the lucky part is I did open a lot of shoes from different brands all around the world, some of which may be not even known by most shoe enthusiasts. There are premium and true luxury brands for the deep pocket, also very affordable ones which still meet my threshold to take a dip. Check out and see whether the brand you are planning to buy is worth it or not. Always use Search function on the top right of the blog.
Shoes Details

This is the technical details of shoes, how they are made, what is the construction, how the details influence the aesthetics, what proportion is great and so on. This is for the real shoe lovers who feel so fulfilled when know something new about shoes, shoemaking and how to appreciate it.

Shoes have history, the brands who live a long time or even defunct ones have history, the people who wear shoes have stories, who make shoes have stories, the shoes are a reflection of your inner self, and all these things, they may serve as thought food for good.

We think we know everything about shoes inside and out, and the sad fact is we may only know 5% of it. A visit always teaches me a lot, and the real touch of the whole process lets me know the sweat soaked in.
The tailoring shops and shoe shops are great places to visit too as they provide a lot of fun and excitement. Don’t ignore the owner of these shops, they are just the same as you, who loves tailoring and shoes.