When I looked back at my blog, I found I summarized Badia models as early as 2020, however something is strange. As the history is history already, not as a rumour or business secret any longer, it is OK to say that time, Badia has same models with Mattina and only different brands because JIANG Daoyuan, the founder of Badia worked together with ZHAO Ruoda, product director of Mattina in a same factory. Even the lasts and products can be said to be developed together. Later, JIANG Daoyuan left and created his Badia lasts and models all from scratch. Lasts are more tender and sleeker, patterns are more artistical.
In 2022, Badia released a round toe loafer which gained great popularity and offered some very interesting MTO options. Ladies shoes also hit the market. There were three collections: Moderno, Tradizione and Weekend but all defunct. Price is not very stable as well because Badia tries different constructions quite frequently as recently its handwelted collection is sold in Roiluxe.
Let us just summarize its models for a start.

My feeling is JIANG Daoyuan is too focused on developing shoes, but the brand building is lagged off. The shoes have very obvious individual personal signature for good.