在定制西服领域,面料基本上,就是两个地方的,要么是英国的,要么是意大利的。虽然大家常说的Scabal其实总部在比利时,Dormeuil是法国的,但其实它们的面料大多是英国产的。 Post Views: 2,470
| FU Pei
A shoemaker from Indonesia, rather than a factory, it is a workshop. Very good at marketing and the lines seem very attractive, especially to Americans. Post Views: 1,724
| FU Pei
A heritage brand from the US. The American manufacturers of dress shoes, all sinks to the very bottom except Alden and Allen Edmonds, one prospers the other struggles to survive. Post Views: 2,549
| FU Pei
这是讲护皮素的文章。 国外很多人都爱DIY护皮素,我个人觉得其实也没什么问题,皮革护理的基本原理就是补充油和水分,然后能够将油固定。而世界上那么多皮具护理品牌的主要成分都是类似的,自然可以总结出规律。 Post Views: 2,336
| FU Pei
There is an article called RTW MAP – China which talks about quality shoes made in China, and this one is going to talk about classic menswear, to seperate them, I use Off The Rack which reflects clothes as anyone reads. Post Views: 7,571