
对于皮鞋的清洁,我一向的观点是两个,初级的,就是用马毛刷除除尘,同时也是一定诚度的抛光。高级的,就是用RenoMat这类产品去除长期上蜡或者鞋油堆积在表面,无法吸收的部分。目的说是清洁,不如说是将皮革真正的表面暴露出来,好让它吸收护理产品。 今天来讲点高级的,就是遇到一些顽固污渍怎么办。 Post Views: 1,926


大家都知道我很反感鞋油这个名字,因为把很多功能的东西都盖在这个里面,让需要护理皮鞋/皮具的人反而不知道该买哪个产品了。 那为什么这篇文章还用这个词呢?因为不管是护皮素,鞋霜/色霜,还是鞋蜡,都是更精细分类以后的名称,而曾经,擦鞋或者护理皮具,就那么个东西,自然只好叫它鞋油了。 Post Views: 2,153

Model Archive – Schonheit

Schonheit is German, however this brand is a Japanese one. The mother company is Touritsu-seika, Established after WWII, it was a shoe component supply company originally, and gradually transformed to shoemaking. In 1962, the shoe company became independent and made private labels for other brands, such as Regal. Its own brand, Schonheit (German, beauty) debuted