Unboxing Basil from Silvano Lattanzi

King shoe of the universe. If you have a little interest in dress shoes, even very little, you at least heard of this brand. The reason is so simple and to the ground, its retail price starts from 8000 USD! When we thought John Lobb, Edward Green and Gaziano & Girling are the most expensive

Model Archive – J. M. Weston

Which brand represents French shoes best? Which one is most recognized by Frenchmen? Aubercy? Sorry, not too many even knows this name if not a shoe aficionado. Berluti? Joining LVMH, gains global reputation and great market share and buzz, still not the child of French people. The answer is, J. M. Weston. Post Views: 4,453


这个新的品牌一定没什么人听过,我也是第一次听,但其实是第一届制鞋大赛的两位选手,都在这家鞋店任职,所以有了交集。这两位鞋匠就是邹智光师傅和赵准。 他们的店一直都在深圳,今年下半年据说是有了新股东,换了新的名字。业务是单店线下,所以不太能够算一个品牌。或者说,也许将来能够算,但今天还不太行。 Post Views: 1,568