相信很多人都对我那套拾艺的衣服印象深刻,得到大家的广泛好评! 那么紧窄的衣服,但是又不太影响活动和舒适性。 有一说一,美学上,我不喜欢。 但是当我经常看到Cifonelli的衣服时(Instgram上),我沉默了。 Post Views: 523
The currently hot Italian shoe brands we are discussing are in fact quite young in this country with very strong shoemaking history, and some old brands are quite silent. Don’t think they are not competitive, they are and they prospered. Post Views: 2,176
付沛鞋店作为一个工具,干嘛的工具? 不可能忘记,付沛鞋店是我兴趣爱好的延展,它今天是一个生意,但它不可能仅仅是个生意。 Post Views: 624
This Japanese brand is considered to be the best on patina. Although Japan respects French products very much, it has not been very keen for patina and focus on very classic and conservative styles. Post Views: 3,089
Sam Hu,老四,又一个在海外学艺的中国裁缝。 他们可以被认为是先锋,因为正是有他们的前行,让将来更多的中国人想到国外学艺有更成熟的路线,他们不管将来回不回国,都会和国内有更多的交流,让我们的服装水平快速与国际接轨。 一起了解他的故事。 Post Views: 613
Justin FitzPatrick is the most well known dress shoe blogger in the world, running TheShoeSnob, he is also the founder of shoe brand J.FitzPatrick. Post Views: 4,192
行业的进步,离不开竞争与交流。过去3到5年内,国内高品质裁缝店的涌现,可以说让中国的定制服装水准有了质的提高。同时,也有许多人到国外学习,将原汁原味的风格带回来,比如张潇,比如Riccardo。 今天专访的对象,同样是在意大利学艺的定制裁缝,欧阳。 一起看看他的故事。 Post Views: 583
Many people may know that this was a Savile Row house, and it had a long history, but why haven’t you heard of any bespoke works? Because it’s not a bespoke tailoring house at all! Not a bespoke tailoring house but on Savile Row? That’s right, it’s a marketing trick. Post Views: 2,570
这是我在淘宝鞋店里被问到的问题。 虽然皮鞋生意有了团队和不同的分工,但是客服,我一直不愿意交给别人做。因为我特别喜欢和同好交流的感觉,可以增加视野。同时在销售的一线,也比较能获得一手信息。 这是一个技术问题,虽然我不是做鞋的,但在不同的工坊和工厂,也看过很多次制作流程了,还是了解那些工序会用到胶水的。 Post Views: 571