Stile Renaissance, Dormeuil Super Brio

I believe my readers all know Stile Renaissance, which is regarded as the purest Florentine style bespoke tailoring house in Shanghai. For Chinese bespoke tailoring, style is nothing more than the owner himself very appreciates and then gradually imitates. Stile Renaissance’s initial imitation was Liverano & Liverano, arguably the most well-known Florentine store.

Liverano & Liverano style has been detailed a lot, such as roomy waist formed by no darts, abducted and rounded shoulders, feminine and non-aggressive on the front, but extremely majestic on the behind. In choice of fabrics, brown is the main color, and the word “earthy” is prominent, matching the splendor and precipitation of the Florentine Renaissance.

After Stile Renaissance came out, many shops also began to make Florentine style, after all, it can be deconstructed so clearly, there is no reason why it can’t be copied. BRIO in Beijing is also known to more people, which is the real pioneer of Florentine style in China. LiiYuan in Wuhan used to imitate Corcos, but now it has its own style.

Stile Renaissance never deviates from imitating Liverano & Liverano.

This charcoal gray suit is my fifth set at Stile Renaissance, the fit is never a problem and the pattern is redesigned for me, not his House style.

First of all, what is different from its house style. The main change is in the shoulders. The shoulders of House Style is abducted, but mine is relatively stiff. The purpose is to frame the shape of my face. My face is square, I need the shoulders to be wider, but I am not short, and abducted shoulders will make the center of gravity of the clothes go down. We see that the George Wang or Lorenzo of Stile Renaissance wearing Florentine style perfectly, because they are both tall.

When walking, you can see that the waist seems to be a little pulled, not because the waist circumference is small, but because there is no dart, so the whole fabric presents irregularity when it is dynamic.

The curve from the neck to the shoulders, is not as straight and stiff as the front view. The flavor of Florentine is still rooted in it.

Profile view revealed chest, the converged waist and the signature parted hem. It can be argued that apart from the shoulders, the rest is indeed the style of Stile Renaissance.

The back is very smooth, and the S-curve of the waist is just right.

The dimension of the sleeve is relatively small, but this is more of my personal preference. This is not so consistent with Florentine style, which is idly, relaxing and artful.

The fit around neck is very good in all postures, and the chest balance is also suitable.

Super Brio, a mohair-blend fabric, suppresses the luster of mohair a lot, but maintains its crispness.

Charcoal gray was originally a very dull, old-school color, but this one makes feel noble. In terms of office, navy blue may be a working boy, this color should be CEO, chalk strips are basically for the board.

I think it’s the work of a familiar house that makes a product that suits me better, while retaining most of its own details and taste.