
产品的完成度,是对高档产品会提出的要求。 两个很好的例子。 一个是日本鞋匠片冈的鞋子,就是全方位的优良表现,楦型的高级感,制作的精细感,鞋撑的独特感,鞋盒的质朴感,加在一起,是绝佳的消费体验。 另一个是BRIO的衣服,我看到的那件,羊绒定制花呢,然后在胳膊肘加了块皮,用来增加耐磨性。但更重要的,是在口袋的边缘,也用同样的皮进行了包边,这个产品的完成性,就突然上升了。 Post Views: 238

An Interview with ZHAO Hui, Cofounder of Sartoria Dei Solari

Sartoria Dei Solari is probably the most exciting and desirable bespoke tailoring house emerged in 2022. Many people may only pay attention to one of the founders, Riccardo who worked in Yuki Inueno, a famous Milanese house in Italy, but Solari was actually founded by three young tailors. ZHAO Hui is one of the founders,

Stile Renaissance, Dormeuil Super Brio

I believe my readers all know Stile Renaissance, which is regarded as the purest Florentine style bespoke tailoring house in Shanghai. For Chinese bespoke tailoring, style is nothing more than the owner himself very appreciates and then gradually imitates. Stile Renaissance’s initial imitation was Liverano & Liverano, arguably the most well-known Florentine store. Post Views:


注:这是一位到世界各地亲身体验过各风格的大佬的体会,发表于此,并非寻求交流,而为正本溯源。网上论断很多,但许多,譬如我,无非是拾人牙慧、断章取义。看看真正有体会和见解的文字,也许对我们追求美与和谐,有些帮助。 上次胡扯了一下那不勒斯风格与英式风格,这次按纬度顺序来侃侃佛罗伦萨。 Post Views: 534