When I glanced Taobao, a pair of shoes were recommended to me. The price is 489 RMB, as a pair of Goodyear welted shoes, that is too good! Post Views: 1,351
Tag: China
As this pair has been unboxed and recorded here, so in this article, I only talk about the fit and leather quality. Post Views: 2,151
这是一份榜单,目的是为了帮助爱好者们有指导性的消费。 我对衣服当然是没有发言权,所以这次我请了多位资深大拿们来担当评委。这些大拿都是纯消费者,并且神农尝百草,国内许多家都做过,即使是英国和意大利最顶尖的,也有相当数量的订单。他们对定制服装的理解,经验,都使得这个榜单有相当的公信力。总分为评委总分的平均数。 Post Views: 4,167
Yearn Shoemaker is more known in China with the name SLIMSHOES. Post Views: 1,562
好多次和人交流过目前国内鞋匠的困局。当时认为,国内鞋匠在工艺,手活上,并不比国外鞋匠差,但是审美上比较有缺陷。 Post Views: 1,882
The Chinese is 青山闲居, the founder and master shoemaker, Mr. WANG Zhencheng showed his skills on this pair of Shell Cordovan Seamless Wholecut Oxfords. The shoes are almost fully handmade with handwelted and handstitched for 250 USD, and leathers are from great tanneries such as Ilcea Italy and Weinheimer Germany. Post Views: 1,787
Prince’s Brogue is the brand operated by the second prize and fourth prize in the first China Shoemaking Championship, who are father and son. Their shoes have a very significant characteristics, every model is made on Norwegese stitches. Their shoes are not bad, but business wise it is very weak. Let us review the models
我上次就说,中国缝制鞋品牌如春笋般涌出的阶段似乎告一段落了,也许一定程度上,和国际缝制鞋风潮的盛极而衰有所关联。 大家也许觉得奇怪,既然这个类别的卖点就是经典永恒,为啥还有所谓的风潮呢? Post Views: 2,865
It is joyful to see many shoe aficionados discussing Chinese RTW shoemakers, among which, maybe Oct. Tenth is the most famous, partly because of its cooperation with Sons of Henrey, a brand very followed and active on StyleForum. But a very present player is seldom mentioned, Mattina. Post Views: 2,213
Back to 2015 and 2016, Hugo Jacomet (Parisian Genlteman) created a list of all ranges of shoemakers, from Corthay, John Lobb Paris down to Bexley. With each brand, the average price, pros and cons are mentioned. Post Views: 13,190