
这是一份榜单,目的是为了帮助爱好者们有指导性的消费。 我对衣服当然是没有发言权,所以这次我请了多位资深大拿们来担当评委。这些大拿都是纯消费者,并且神农尝百草,国内许多家都做过,即使是英国和意大利最顶尖的,也有相当数量的订单。他们对定制服装的理解,经验,都使得这个榜单有相当的公信力。总分为评委总分的平均数。 Post Views: 4,167

Model Archive – Lastra Signa

The Chinese is 青山闲居, the founder and master shoemaker, Mr. WANG Zhencheng showed his skills on this pair of Shell Cordovan Seamless Wholecut Oxfords. The shoes are almost fully handmade with handwelted and handstitched for 250 USD, and leathers are from great tanneries such as Ilcea Italy and Weinheimer Germany. Post Views: 1,787