Clothes have a very important function of framing the male figure. Post Views: 1,755
Tag: Chinese
Are you willing to grow with the brand? If at the beginning of the brand, the product makes you dissatisfied, will you disgust the brand for your whole life? As a consumer, I don’t want to, because I hope the product is perfect, even if I am given a discount and let me be an
The Chinese dress shoes here refer to the well-known national brands, such as Aokang and Red Dragonfly. They are ugly comparing to European peers. Post Views: 578
Sam Hu,老四,又一个在海外学艺的中国裁缝。 他们可以被认为是先锋,因为正是有他们的前行,让将来更多的中国人想到国外学艺有更成熟的路线,他们不管将来回不回国,都会和国内有更多的交流,让我们的服装水平快速与国际接轨。 一起了解他的故事。 Post Views: 620
行业的进步,离不开竞争与交流。过去3到5年内,国内高品质裁缝店的涌现,可以说让中国的定制服装水准有了质的提高。同时,也有许多人到国外学习,将原汁原味的风格带回来,比如张潇,比如Riccardo。 今天专访的对象,同样是在意大利学艺的定制裁缝,欧阳。 一起看看他的故事。 Post Views: 590
Lancer不会错? Lancer的衣服是很好,但如果不是你喜欢的风格,那不就错了吗? Lancer的衣服是很飘逸,版型不错的,但如果做工一般,卖个样子,这个价格,不就错了吗? 可是这些问题,都没有说到点上。 你怎么定义定制店的? Post Views: 1,119
The title of an article is a person’s name, what does that mean? Am I writing a biography for him? No, I think he may be a microcosm of many Chinese shoemakers who moves people. Post Views: 1,882
Mr. WANG Zhencheng comes from Wenzhou, a city regarded as shoe capital in China, who is a veteran in this trade. His own brand is called Insignia. Let have a read of his journey. Post Views: 2,527