A short introduction about Sons of Henrey first. First of all, it is a Belgian brand because the founder, Tom Brone, is Belgian and has his office in Belgium. Secondly, the shoes are made in Spain and share the same factory with many brands, including but not limited to J.FitzPatrick, Cobbler Union, Lof & Tung
Tag: Chukka
The desert boots are the second pair of boots for men right after Chelsea boots. Under today’s wave of casualization, the more relaxed desert boots are more suitable for overall outfits, and the shoes themselves will not give people the delicate and sharp feeling of Chelsea when viewed separately. The originator of desert boots, Desert
Carlos Santos has a very large catalog for all kinds of shoes and boots, however, they have two boots with the best popularity in the world, one is Chelsea boots 7902 Kent, the other is today’s hero, Chukka boots 7991 Charlies. Let us have a look at it. Post Views: 4,756
首先是抱歉,因为Chukka这个靴,我一直想不到好的中文名。虽然有查卡靴这个称呼,使用的人太少,拿出来也没人知道在说什么。沙漠靴这个称呼,知道的人倒是多一些,但是Chukka靴和沙漠靴并不是等于关系。 男人穿不穿靴子? Post Views: 2,171
这是一位客户看到我是Carlos Santos的代理,于是问我有没有Chukka款式。 其实我店里Carlos Santos的款式很少,给大家解释一下原因,最主要的,还是我以个人偏好挑选了一些款式。然后,资金也是非常重要的方面。鞋子不同的尺码,肯定得铺上,款式,颜色这些一交叉组合,量是很大的。压进去的资金,短期又不可能收回,我相对还是比较保守。 Post Views: 2,204