
鳄鱼皮,在所有人眼中,都是最顶级的皮革。 一提到鳄鱼皮制品,大家的第一个印象,就是贵,哈哈哈,对,不是好,不是奢华,是贵。 这带来一个什么问题呢?就是原本因为自己的质感(和稀有性)带来的贵,成为了唯一的重点,而鳄鱼皮给人好的使用体验的地方,反而没多少人关注,也没多少人有能力关注了。 因为我在做鳄鱼皮的业务,手上有很多现成的东西,所以正好让大家了解,鳄鱼皮好在哪。 Post Views: 433

Crocodile Tanneries of Hermes

As mentioned earlier, HCP is the Hermès Leather Department, which has a number of tanneries, divided into categories, cowhide, sheepskin and exotic leather. Although exotic leathers include ostrich, lizard, snake skins, etc., the most exciting one is crocodile leather. HCP currently has 4 crocodile leather tanneries. let’s take a look. Post Views: 2,695