Hungary was the main base for shoes for the entire Soviet army during the former Soviet Union era. At that time, equipment in this area was very lacking, so all work was manual. In Hungary, there are many skilled shoemakers, and many of them have passed down this skill. Post Views: 3,584
Tag: Hungary
Of the Hungarian shoe brands, the most well-known at the moment is Vass. But from the capital Budapest, there are two other players, Rozsnyai and Buday, which are also very highly rated because they emphasize handcraft and customization. Post Views: 2,710
Rozsnyai is a Hungarian brand based in Budapest and focus mainly on MTO. MTM is also offered with a small surcharge. When we talk about Hungarian shoes, Vass is the first into mind. However that Vass gains global reputation largely owes to U and F last developed by Italian master shoemaker Roberto Ugolini. Rozsnyai still
This is a very strange brand, because its official website is German, and claims the headquarter is in Austria. But nothing more. Such a long name, and it looks not English at all. I searched information everywhere, finally I got it! It is a sub-brand of the Italian brand I introduced, Franceschetti. This brand focuses
I have introduced several Hungarian shoemakers, such as the most famous Vass and Rozsnyai and Buday. Attila’s fame is not at the same level, but after Buday seized to quit this business, Attila naturally becomes the third place. Post Views: 1,416
Passus means steps in Latin, founded in 2020 by Reszo Kuti, the former marketing director of Vass. Reszo Kuti left Vass and joined a German brand Heinrich Kindelacker to become production manager. Although this is a high end German brand, its production actually locates in Hugnary, where Vass works. Post Views: 2,885
This is a MTM and MTO brand rather than Ready to Wear. Rozsnyai comes from Hungary just like its peer Vass. All shoes are 95% handmade except for upper stitching. And if you have the shoes on hand, you will know the craftsmanship is much better. Post Views: 2,052