当今最好的罗马裁缝Gaetano Aloisio

这是一个相当复杂的店、品牌、人。 如果论及个人裁缝的实力,Gaetano Aloisio是公认当今世界前五(如果不是第一人的话)。 虽然我很早就了解到这位大师,但是最近与张春海老师(Hiiwen & Liiyuan定制联合创始人)的晚餐中,他提到他在罗马参加意大利裁缝协会金剪刀大赛期间(他获得二等奖),对协会主席Gaetano的了解,就是他心目中最好裁缝的存在。 Post Views: 169

A Brief History of Shoemaker Riccardo Bestetti

In the leather shoes industry in recent 20 years, there are some famous Italian shoemakers. In my humble opinion, I think there are three, Stefano Bemer, Roberto Ugolini and Riccardo Bestetti. Although Silvano Lattanzi and Paolo Scafora are equally prominent as brands, they are not talked about as shoemakers alone. Two of these three masters