又一个来自那不勒斯的店铺,但是从知名度来说,并不算太高。一定程度上,又一家非常原教旨的,甚至“刻板印象”的那不勒斯风格。 Post Views: 98
Tag: Italy
佛罗伦萨最好的定制店之一,但是,裁缝本人是日本人。日本人在意大利的裁缝店中工作的不在少数,但是绝大部分都会学成归国,在日本开出自己的店铺,但是宮平康太郎却坚定不移地选择了在意大利开出自己的店铺,他说这种感觉就像一个欧洲人在日本开了一家和服店。 Post Views: 118
我在日本媒体那里,读到一个说法,说Solito是那不勒斯四大Sarto之一,但是在那不勒斯那么多名裁名店里,哪四个得到了这个的荣誉,着实难以取舍。 Post Views: 94
来自意大利米兰的名店,规模不大,年头不算很久,但知名度相当可以。 和佛罗伦萨的Liverano & Liverano一样,知名度得感谢香港买手店Armoury。但是,二代当家人,Gianfrancesco在社交媒体上的活跃,也使得Musella Dembech成为新生代最具知名度的米兰定制店。 Post Views: 192
If Spanish shoemaking capital is Almansa, then Italy calls Marche. Post Views: 2,288
这是一个相当复杂的店、品牌、人。 如果论及个人裁缝的实力,Gaetano Aloisio是公认当今世界前五(如果不是第一人的话)。 虽然我很早就了解到这位大师,但是最近与张春海老师(Hiiwen & Liiyuan定制联合创始人)的晚餐中,他提到他在罗马参加意大利裁缝协会金剪刀大赛期间(他获得二等奖),对协会主席Gaetano的了解,就是他心目中最好裁缝的存在。 Post Views: 195
A typical Italian family business founded in 1963. All family members are working in the factory. Located in Bologna, constructions are Blake, Goodyear and Norwegese. Post Views: 2,816
Have you ever worn dress shoes which hurt your screw bones? I have many times wearing barefoot and bleeding directly. Even if I wear socks for about half a day, my screw bones will pain. After a whole day, I can only say that I am very sorry! I concluded that Italian shoes are the
In the leather shoes industry in recent 20 years, there are some famous Italian shoemakers. In my humble opinion, I think there are three, Stefano Bemer, Roberto Ugolini and Riccardo Bestetti. Although Silvano Lattanzi and Paolo Scafora are equally prominent as brands, they are not talked about as shoemakers alone. Two of these three masters