Mattina Can Improve

Mattina is the Chinese shoemaker which I admire the most. As I’ve explained many times, it’s the most well rounded ready-to-wear shoe brand. If Oct Tenth is enthusiast-oriented, realizing the unlimited firing rights and premium handcrafted craftsmanship of the styles you want, then Mattina is the first choice for immediate needs. There is Roiluxe to

什么时候穿Mattina Elgar

Mattina可以被认为是国产缝制鞋最具代表性的品牌,如果以销量论,应该是位列前茅的。 肯定会有人说Thom Wills和特吕弗的销量和知名度更高,可是从产品力来说,这两家和Mattina的差距,非常巨大。就像国内的定制店千千万,我谈的却只有那么少数几家。 我为什么我对Mattina特别的欣赏呢?除了鞋子在水准之上外,更重要的原因,就是在品牌建设上,一定是这个领域中最好的。 Post Views: 412