This is my own mistake, and I have seen many people make the same mistakes. We have the consciousness of caring leather. It stands to reason that we are better than those how don’t care, but we are not necessarily better than those without caring. Post Views: 3,266
Tag: Mink Oil
这个是有点炒冷饭了,因为我很早的文章,就讨论过这一点,但是最近又遇到了两个案例,让我觉得值得向大家强调。 Post Views: 1,236
In terms of my personal dress style, I should never touch this leather in my life, but one of the great pleasures of writing lies in communication, or a great pleasure in life, in helping others, and there is a sense of existence, so I will be very excited when others ask me about leather
我前面是不是写了很多次貂油了?今天还来?我跟它到底有什么仇啊?其实这和我的世界观有关。假如我说一个东西不好,那么如果遇到反驳的人, 就需要从根本上来解释,否则大家在同一个层面的争论,是不可能谁说服谁的。所以我就要挖深挖深,深到最根本的东西上,这样就不会给别人错误的观点了。 Post Views: 3,879