Once again, the core competitiveness of Weritas is MTM and foot model customization. When I first saw the Weritas shoes, I actually saw a lot of Mattina. Of course, at that time, although Jimmy (QIU Wuping), the founder, was indeed an industry veteran, his core competitiveness had always been in lastmaking, and the workmanship of
Tag: MTM
I was at Roiluxe Shanghai over the weekend filming TikTok and overheard the little objects Badia had set up over there. While I knew earlier that Badia had periodic Trunk Shows that offered MTO services, I didn’t realise that this MTO seemed to go a step further. Post Views: 435
I love visiting workshops, because I may be better suited to job learning than learning from books, learning by doing, and learning when I put on hands on. Post Views: 1,008
唯世这个品牌,应该没有多少人知道,在昨天以前,我也只在小红书上面看到过,当时强烈怀疑是买的推广。英文名就更加让人弹舌,Wiracetas,要么就是非常有文化的人搞出的拉丁语或者希腊文,要么就是不知所谓。 我看过鞋子,提不起兴趣。 Post Views: 931
我的标题永远都可以让人不知所云,这是我的超能力。这篇文章可以有的副标题,就是半定制(MTM)的原罪。 Post Views: 1,796
现在中国的这个行业经过几年的消费者认知培养后,好了一点,用全定制来说Bespoke,半定制来说Made To Measure。然而,如果商家要唬烂,你怎么来判别呢? Post Views: 1,824
前面聊过了款式,面料,合身这些话题。今天就来说个我实际体验里面最重要的差别,和对这个话题我的最终建议。 Post Views: 1,901
今天谈的两个,是我个人对Bespoke没有这么感冒的地方。面料和款式。 Post Views: 1,722