This is a half-dead American brand. Before Allen Edmonds and Alden became the benchmark of American dress shoes, they were called the four kings of American high-end dress shoes with Florsheim, Hanover and Footjoy. Post Views: 5,143
Tag: US
An entry level brand from US, promotes hard about direct to customer business mode. To be honest, this concept sounds great but the end result is always a tragedy. The successful one like Meermin actually opens several botiques in the big cities around the world, does it still mean direct to customer? I don’t think.
Grant Stone is a US welted shoe brand which has gained great reputation in the community and been praised by US consumers. This reputation did not come easily as the shoes are made in China (the city Xiamen in Southeast China) and targeted US customers and the brand never hid this information and even promoted
又是一双超级小众的美国Vintage鞋,比不少玩家喜欢谈论的Florsheim,Hanover什么的,都要少见的多。 同样,目前还没有时间去好好了解这个品牌的成长巅峰与衰败。 Post Views: 2,228
这个标题起得相当惊悚,我想聊的,其实是美国人在经典男装这个领域里的贡献。当然,这个范围已经时间跨度太大,我并不是做考据,或者综述,仅仅聊聊我的感想。 Post Views: 1,512
A heritage brand from the US. The American manufacturers of dress shoes, all sinks to the very bottom except Alden and Allen Edmonds, one prospers the other struggles to survive. Post Views: 2,551
A new American brand with the selling point matching shoes and belt. I am totally lost that this concept can be a selling point? What a bullshit. The name has no real meaning and history. Price is around 550 USD. Post Views: 1,429
A reader asked me whether I know this brand, I had never heard of it, so went to its website to have a look, not too much information on the broken site and seems an US brand. The concept is cutting off all middleman, to be honest, this saying is attractive by the first sight,
A quite young American brand established in 2010, the mission is to preserve handmade shoes industry in the US. Selling points are durability and handcrafting. And its handcrafting means the upper is stitched by hand, that is very rare. Post Views: 2,186
A US brand made in Xiamen, China. Boots starts from 370 USD. The reputation among casual boots community is quite good. Post Views: 2,252