As the name indicates, Saphir Cordovan cream is specifically for shell cordovan leather, and Creme 1925 is the default shoe cream from Saphir M’dor used mainly on calf. But are they interchangeable? What is the difference? Post Views: 3,992
Tag: Venetian
Venetian is regarded the best shoe conditioner in the world among Americans. While the rest of the world may agree Saphir Renovateur is better. Venetian has an unmatched advantage to Saphir which is tannery Horween officially appoints Venetian Imperial Leather Balm to care its most sought after shell cordovan. Post Views: 3,063
鞋霜来说,大家可能还是能说出不少品牌,比如一哥莎菲雅,比如西班牙的塔拉戈,比如德国的Collonil,但是在美国这个地方,这个产品,就是这个牌子的代名词而已,和说搜索,就是谷歌一样。不管是市场占有率,还是皮鞋爱好者的认同程度,不要说无出其右者,对于大多数人来说,也不需要有其他的,要鞋霜,找威尼斯人就可以了。这个品牌,如果把威尼斯人看作是一个品牌的话,也只有这唯二个产品,一个鞋霜,一个护皮素。这个产品便宜又大碗,而且是有口皆碑,用过都说好。 Post Views: 3,617