这里的鞋店,指的更像是买手店,而不是单品牌的独立门店。 不麻烦,就直接说每个国家最好的就完了。 Post Views: 2,060
Author: FU Pei
其实这个内容应该放在他的专访下面,但是又怕我自己的输出太多,喧宾夺主。 Kostas和我有特别多相似的地方,但是出言比我更加尖锐。正因为他的直言,也让我有不少的思索。 Post Views: 1,720
It is quite interesting so many French brands are related to the industry veteran, Marcos Fernandez Cabezas. The original selling point of this brand is unknown now, and the current focus is just like other French brands, patina. Post Views: 1,487
大多数常见的油脂都可以用来给皮革加脂,但其中两三种油脂比其他油脂要突出最适合用于皮革。 每个皮革厂都有自己的特殊配方,这些配方的油脂可以是皮革获得别家无法产生的效果。除了鞣制液配方以外,这个也是皮革鞣制厂的知识产权。 Post Views: 1,628
The man behind menswear blog MisiuAcademy and shoe webshop TheNobleShoe, Kostas Mandilaris is my very close friend and I think we share a lot in common. He was an environmental engineer while I am a material engineer, he runs a blog and webshop, just as the same as me. It is very glad to talk
In shoe aficionados’ eyes, John Lobb or Edward Green may be the best English shoes, but in American’s eyes, or for most outsider of this circle, Church’s is the best. The reasons are different, for American, Church’s is the first one they can see in the US as early as 1920s. And for fashion consumers,
It is joyful to see many shoe aficionados discussing Chinese RTW shoemakers, among which, maybe Oct. Tenth is the most famous, partly because of its cooperation with Sons of Henrey, a brand very followed and active on StyleForum. But a very present player is seldom mentioned, Mattina. Post Views: 2,252