William Efe-Laborde is an independent French bespoke shoemaker living in London. Even France has a very strong culture and community for bespoke crafts, William found this passion in England. We can regard him as self-taught because he doesn’t have any official job or apprentice in those prestigious houses, and this speaks a lot about his
Author: FU Pei
连连看,也称比较学,是我从历史学科中学来的方式。当然,各行各业,有个更朴实的名字,Benchmark。 前面已经做过很多,皮革折痕水准连连看,后跟接缝连连看,沿条处理连连看,今天,我们看一个配件,鞋袋。 市面上的皮鞋品牌没有几千,也有大几百,肯定不可能全部攘括,这篇文,就当个抛砖引玉吧。 这种比较学的利益是什么呢?非常简单,单一看一个鞋袋的时候,你不会有太强烈的感觉,哪个好哪个坏,但是放在一起,立刻就明显了。同时,好的质感和体验,未必需要更高的成本,这是不是就成为优势了呢? 话不多说,一起看看。 Post Views: 1,164
拾艺是来自武汉的全定制店铺,在周老气的强势带动下,在社交媒体上获得了相当大的关注度,这不,我也去尝鲜。 这块面料是在吕晓龙那里拿的,吕晓龙那边有不少性价比很高的尾料。 关于定制流程,就和我与每个店家的沟通完全一样,做你家的招牌风格,不用问太多我的意见。 我认为对一个衣服最好的理解和体验,就是多穿,不管是主观,还是客观的判断,都是最有价值的。 Post Views: 715
Come from the shoemaking center of Italy, Marche, Silvano Sassetti was established in 1977. How did I come to know this brand? It is because I wondered who makes for Ralph Lauren, as which are all made in Italy. The answer is Silvano Sassetti. Beyond that, Silvano Sassetti even produces private label for Chinese brands,
Perhaps southerners and northerners will have diametrically opposed answers to this question. For northerners, who wears Loafers in winter must be a warrior. But for southerners, isn’t Loafer still a pair of dress shoes? As long as I don’t wear it barefoot, is there an essential difference between wearing Loafers in winter and wearing Oxford?
这个是有点炒冷饭了,因为我很早的文章,就讨论过这一点,但是最近又遇到了两个案例,让我觉得值得向大家强调。 Post Views: 1,202
This is the style specified by ENP, I believe in his vision, of course, more importantly, believe in his collocation. Let’s take a look at the taste of this double collaboration. Post Views: 1,162
这里说的名字,不是便士乐福,三接头牛津,布洛克德比这样的款式分类,而是每个鞋款的名称,比如我说John Lobb Lopez,大家马上能反映出,这是一双圆头小憨的便士乐福。 Post Views: 1,189
这是定制鞋匠陈华问我的问题。 为什么会有此一问呢?因为在当前尖长当道的年代(代表Berluti,Gaziano & Girling),圆头被许多人所不齿,但陈华就是一个偏爱大圆头的定制鞋匠。 可是这个问题,我却没有办法给他一个客观的答案,因为对于圆度的审美,太主观了。 Post Views: 703
说起反绒皮中的王者,比较资深的玩家,一定说得出来Janus这个名称,即使没那么深度的玩家,也说得出C.F.Stead这家英国的皮革厂。 Post Views: 1,123